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by Dick Sutphen


These rights allow for expression instead of repression. The

assertive individual grants them to all others while demanding them

for himself.


1. You have the right to do anything as long as you do not purposely

hurt someone else and you are willing to accept the consequences.


2. You have the right to maintain your self-respect by answering

honestly even it does hurt someone else (as long as you are being

assertive rather than aggressive.)


3. You have the right to be what you are without changing your ideas

or behavior to satisfy someone else.


4. You have the right to strive for self-actualization (to be all you

can be).


5. You have the right to use your own judgment as to the need

priorities of yourself and others, if you decide to accept any

responsibility for another's problem.


6. You have the right not to be subjected to negativity.


7. You have the right to offer no excuses or justification for your

decisions or behavior.


 Difficult situations are opportunities to be our best selves, hone our skills and rise to the occasion.

Sometimes we may feel like there is just too much we need to do. Feeling overwhelmed may make it seem like the universe is picking on us, but the opposite is true: we are only given what we can handle. Difficult situations are opportunities to be our best selves, hone our skills and rise to the occasion. 

The best place to start is to take a deep breath. As you do, remind yourself that the universe works in perfect order and therefore you can get everything done that needs to get done. As you exhale, release all the details that you have no control over. The universe with it‘s infinite organizing power will orchestrate the right outcome. Anytime stress begins to creep up, remember to breathe through it with these thoughts.

Then, make a list of everything you need to do. Note what needs to be done first, and mark the th



For Someone Who's Grieving ..Something has left your life and changed it. However much you may wish otherwise, you will never be the same. What has happened to you may be the most heart-......wrenching experience you have ever known.


Perhaps you have lost what you thought you could not possibly live without. Perhaps something has been taken from you that has given your life deep meaning and great joy. Perhaps you have been given news that threatens to be your undoing. You may find that each day has become an agony for you, that you cannot escape your anguish. You may know what it's like to finally fall asleep, only to discover that your torture does not leave you; it follows you in your dreams. When you awaken, it stabs at you once more. You may wonder how long you'll be able to go on living like this.


You may wonder if it will ever get better, or if there will be anything to hope for or live for again. It's possible that what has happened to you may not be


Do not ignore the emotional wounds you sustain in daily life. Do not believe that ignoring emotional pain is a sign of strength. Do not believe that feeling emotional pain is a sign of weakness or psychological frailty. Do not believe that being in touch with your feelings, knowing you hurt, and wishing you didn’t diminishes you in any way.
Do not think of yourself as weak when you experience the pain of rejection. Do not consider yourself undesirable when you know the ache of loneliness. Do not punish yourself when you carry the burden of guilt. Do not lose faith in yourself when you encounter the bitter disappointment of failure. Do not lose yourself in the anguish of loss. Do not become crushed within the churning of brooding and rumination. Do not belittle yourself further when your self-esteem is already under assault.
Know that what makes you human is your capacity to feel emotional pain. Know that what makes you wise is your capacity to recognize you are not we